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Mann 27 år søker bolig for 2 personer fra 01.06.2025

Ønsket bolig

  • Boligtype Leilighet, Hus
  • Beliggenhet Fornebu, Haslum, Høvik Verk, Jar, Lysaker, Østerå


  • Antall2 personer
  • Maks leie20 000,-
  • LeieperiodeLangtidsleie
  • Fra dato01.06.2025

Om leietaker

  • Jobbstatus Fulltidsjobb
  • Arbeid Tesla technician
  • Sivilstatus I et forhold
  • Kjæledyr Katt

Utfyllende informasjon

My name is Hugo, my partner Catarina and I are looking to rent an apartment or house.
We’re both Portuguese and currently live and work in Norway. I’m 27 years old, and I’ve been working with Tesla in Bærum for over three years now. Catarina is 27 and started her position with Statkraft in Lysaker all most one year ago.

We’re both committed professionals who value a comfortable and well-maintained home.

Hugo and Catarina

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