Kvinne 28 år søker bolig for 1 person fra 01.07.2025
Ønsket bolig
- Boligtype Rom i bofellesskap, Rom i leilighet, Hybel
- Beliggenhet Lillestrøm, Oslo
- Antall1 person
- Maks leie7 000,-
- LeieperiodeLangtidsleie
- Fra dato01.07.2025
Om leietaker
- Jobbstatus Deltidsjobb
- Sivilstatus I et forhold
Utfyllende informasjon
Hei, my name is Paulina, I moved to Oslo a year ago. I'm exploring Norway and working as much as possible, at the moment looking for another job to fill up my schedule. I travel from time to time, especially on weekends. I'd love to join a nice person or group in a cosy apartment. I value tidyness and good relations at home. If you like sharing experiences and spending time together from time to time, I'd be a good match for a flat :) I'm studying Norwegian, so you could see my progress throughout the months. Vi snakkes!