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Kvinne 32 år søker bolig for 2 personer fra 15.10.2024

Ønsket bolig

  • Boligtype Hybel, Leilighet, Hus
  • Beliggenhet Kristiansand


  • Antall2 personer
  • Maks leie13 000,-
  • LeieperiodeLangtidsleie
  • Fra dato15.10.2024

Om leietaker

  • Studiestatus Ikke student
  • Jobbstatus Deltidsjobb
  • Utdannelse masters degree
  • Sivilstatus Gift
  • Renslighet Veldig ryddig
  • Festvaner Fester sjelden

Utfyllende informasjon

My name is Mahta, and my husband, Amir, has recently accepted a position at Stena Recycling AS in Kristiansand. We are preparing to relocate from Trondheim, where we were both students at NTNU, and are now searching for a place to call home.

We are a responsible, tidy, and non-smoking couple. If you have any suitable housing opportunities available, we would love to hear from you at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your consideration!

Kind regards,
Mahta and Amir

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