Kvinne 20 år søker bolig for 2 personer fra 01.05.2025
Ønsket bolig
- Boligtype Hybel, Leilighet
- Beliggenhet Ålesund, Molde
- Antall2 personer
- Maks leie12 000,-
- LeieperiodeKorttidsleie
- Fra dato01.05.2025
Om leietaker
- Studiestatus Ikke student
- Jobbstatus Fulltidsjobb
- Arbeid Turguide
- Sivilstatus Singel
- Renslighet Veldig ryddig
- Festvaner Fester sjelden
- Interesser Natur, Rejser, Sprog
Utfyllende informasjon
Hi, I’m Nanna. I am from Denmark, but will be working as a tour guide for Møre og Trønelag Guide Service over the summer. Together with another female guide, I am looking for an apartment with two bedrooms in either Ålesund or Molde(preferably pre-furnished) in the time period May-September/October.
Our budget is 12000 NOK.
We are two nice and well behaved girls, who loves the nature and learning about new cultures. We are looking very much forward to spend the summer in beautiful Norway!
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