Mann 35 år søker bolig for 1 person fra 28.12.2024
Ønsket bolig
- Boligtype Leilighet, Hus
- Beliggenhet Drammen
- Antall1 person
- Maks leie18 000,-
- LeieperiodeKorttidsleie
- Fra dato28.12.2024
Om leietaker
- Studiestatus Ikke student
- Jobbstatus Fulltidsjobb
- Utdannelse Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering
- Arbeid Admincontrol (tentative) Senior Full Stack Software Developer
- LinkedIn LinkedIn profil
- Sivilstatus Singel
- Renslighet Ryddig
- Festvaner Fester ikke
- Interesser Datamaskiner, Exploration, Kaffee, Macroeconomy, Treningstudio, Urbanism, Urban-transit, Videospill
Utfyllende informasjon
Senior software developer from the United States and Canada preparing for a move to Norway. Looking to a safe place to call home as I start a new job in Drammen. I looking for a place within walking distance of the Stromsø-area, where I will be working, or somewhere that has an easy public transit connection.
This listing is me searching for a short-term rental, but I will be looking for longer term accommodations once I am there.
Thank you for your time. Looking forward to hearing from you!