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Mann 25 år søker bolig for 1 person fra 01.08.2024

Ønsket bolig

  • Boligtype Rom i bofellesskap, Rom i leilighet, Hybel, Leilighet
  • Beliggenhet Trondheim


  • Antall1 person
  • Maks leie6 500,-
  • LeieperiodeKorttidsleie
  • Fra dato01.08.2024

Om leietaker

  • Studiestatus Fulltidsstudent
  • Jobbstatus Ikke i jobb
  • Utdannelse Bachelor's degree in game development and Learning technology
  • Sivilstatus Singel
  • Renslighet Ryddig
  • Festvaner Fester sjelden
  • Interesser Exploring, Gaming, Brætspil, Læsning, Boardgame, Museum

Utfyllende informasjon

I am a Danish bachelor student coming to Norway to study at NTNU for a semester. Therefore, I need a place to sleep, study, and preferably meet new friends. I would prefer it to be reasonably close to the university. I need a contract that lasts one semester and starts in August.

I understand written and spoken Norwegian fairly well, so I don't mind if you speak it around me or send me messages in Norwegian.

I respect those I live with and strive to have a good relationship with them, and to keep common areas clean.

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