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Mann 37 år søker bolig for 1 person fra 01.08.2024

Ønsket bolig

  • Boligtype Rom i bofellesskap, Rom i leilighet, Leilighet
  • Beliggenhet Sandnes, Stavang


  • Antall1 person
  • Maks leie15 000,-
  • LeieperiodeLangtidsleie
  • Fra dato01.08.2024

Om leietaker

  • Jobbstatus Fulltidsjobb
  • Utdannelse Graduate
  • Arbeid Laerdal Medical - Technical Writer/Information Architect
  • LinkedIn LinkedIn profil
  • Sivilstatus Singel
  • Renslighet Ryddig
  • Festvaner Fester sjelden
  • Interesser Reading, Relaxing, Songwriting, Hiking, Camping, Guitar

Utfyllende informasjon

I am moving to Stavanger to start a position at Laerdal Medical. I'm looking for housing starting August 1st.

I appreciate a quiet atmosphere and try to cultivate one myself. I'm fairly tidy and like to keep things in good shape. I don't mind getting my hands dirty to help out with things around the house or outside the house (lawn care, snow removal).

I'm from the US but have been living in Sweden for the past 5 years. Jag kan svenska, engelska, o lärare mig norsk. :)

I like to play guitar and sing some, but typically do that early in the evenings or over the weekends. I'm in bed usually by 22-23 and up by 0700-0730.

I'm looking for a nice situation with other adult roommates or an apartment.

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