Mann 56 år søker bolig for 2 personer fra 01.02.2025
Ønsket bolig
- Boligtype Hybel, Leilighet
- Beliggenhet Asker, Bærum, Oslo
- Antall2 personer
- Maks leie13 500,-
- LeieperiodeLangtidsleie
- Fra dato01.02.2025
Om leietaker
- Jobbstatus Fulltidsjobb
- Arbeid Sommerro House, Facility Crew
- LinkedIn LinkedIn profil
- Sivilstatus Singel
- Renslighet Veldig ryddig
- Festvaner Fester ikke
- Interesser Opera, Travelling
Utfyllende informasjon
My name is Jolly, and I work at Sommerro Hotel as Facility Crew since August 2024.
I am a happy going person who likes to make people laugh as laughter is the best medicine for stress.
Am a very warm, considerate, respectful, helpful, and kind person.
If you are having a bad day at work and need someone to talk to, I have a lot of positive energy to share with you.