Mann 26 år søker bolig for 3 personer fra 01.06.2025
Ønsket bolig
- Boligtype Rom i leilighet, Hybel, Leilighet
- Beliggenhet Frogner, Grünerløkka, Majorstuen, Nydalen, Oslo, Sagene, St. Hanshaugen, Torshove
- Antall3 personer
- Maks leie10 000,-
- LeieperiodeLangtidsleie
- Fra dato01.06.2025
Om leietaker
- Studiestatus Ikke student
- Jobbstatus Fulltidsjobb
- Utdannelse Masters in Computer Science
- Arbeid Software Developer
- Sivilstatus Singel
- Renslighet Veldig ryddig
- Festvaner Fester sjelden
- Interesser Citywalks, Gym, Hikiing, Movienight, Tourism
Utfyllende informasjon
My name is Mursaleen, I'm 26 years old! I work full time as a software developer in skøyen.
I am looking to find or form a collective with 2/3 people. I've lived in Oslo last 2 year so I've had experience living in a shared apartment already. I'm clean, tidy, sociable, and respectful of others' personal space. I'm quiet and reserved but when I feel comfortable around people I can be very social and yap a lot. I love having fun together and love to chill on the couch/bed and do absolutely nothing. Im looking for a social shared apartment since I don't know that many people in Oslo, it would be fun to spend time together, cook, watch TV series or movies or just talk random. I really appreciate hearing from you! Feel free to contact me if you want to live with me or if you have any questions!!!
Insta: habibulmursaleen