Kvinne 34 år søker bolig for 1 person fra 01.05.2025
Ønsket bolig
- Boligtype Leilighet
- Beliggenhet Alna, Bjerke, Blindern, Frogner, Gamle Oslo, Grünerløkka, Majorstuen, Nordre Aker, Sentrum, Skøyen, St. Hanshaugen, Ullevål
- Antall1 person
- Maks leie13 000,-
- LeieperiodeLangtidsleie
- Fra dato01.05.2025
Om leietaker
- Studiestatus Ikke student
- Jobbstatus Fulltidsjobb
- Utdannelse PhD
- Arbeid PostDoc at UiO
- Sivilstatus Singel
- Renslighet Ryddig
- Festvaner Fester sjelden
- Interesser Art, Dance, Sewing
Utfyllende informasjon
Hello my future landlord/landlady,
I am a 34 yo woman, a post-doc at UiO - Faculty of Dentistry. I am looking for a long term rent from end of May/June, ideally with good transit to St Hanshaugen/Ulleval area (work).
I would appreciate a washing machine in the flat/house and access to basement/storage unit. And I love plants, so south/west facing windows would be highly appreciated since I really want to regrow my plant 'garden'.
I am clean, easy-going, and highly tolerant person who can adapt easily (My motto is, live and let live). I enjoy privacy, but like to socialize and chat over diner/tea/drink from time to time. I like to watch a movie or host a game night, but I usually socialize at swing social dances. I do not smoke, have no pets. I pay rent on time (references can be forwarded).
Since my first stay in Oslo in September 2022 I gathered a collection of furniture that I can bring with (bed, sofa, dinning set, some ikea kallax and bestå shelves, the most beautiful carpet, lamps, skis, sewing machine, so many balls of wool yarn for all the possible knitting projects), so unfurnished space is just fine.
I am looking forward to finding a kind landlord offering a lovely property!